Here are 6 Ways to Make Your Checkout Run Smoother

Your eCommerce platform’s checkouts will make or destroy it. Users are more likely to abandon your checkout if it is lengthy or contains problems. As a result, most checkouts are left at a rate of 70%.

Shopping cart abandonment is a more typical term for this type of checkout abandonment. But, I hear you wonder, what precisely is shopping cart abandonment? Well, shopping cart abandonment is the phrase for when a potential consumer starts the checkout process on an eCommerce platform only to abandon it and leave before completing their purchase.

But don’t fret; there are techniques to limit shopping cart abandonment and avoid this happening to your company.

Following a few simple best practice eCommerce design principles can enhance your checkout conversion rate.

Don’t make your checkout a fortress.

The checkout appears to be an excellent location for users to register and create accounts. Unless you’re a B2B eCommerce platform that requires accounts, consumers don’t want to register an account to make a purchase, and if you force them to, they’ll abandon your checkout. Allow your users to complete their orders using a guest checkout (you may still capture their email address this way) and then give them the option to create an account and save their information for future purchases if you’re a B2C eCommerce site. Users will be more likely to see your business positively and establish an account if you provide them the freedom to finish their transaction and make it as painless as possible.

Make a big deal out of shipping and returns, especially if they’re free.

Is it possible to get free shipping and returns? If not, at least over specific price ranges, consider it. If you do, make a point of emphasizing these policies. Make sure your customers know that they have 14 days to return their purchases and that they are aware of any shipping discounts. Even though eCommerce use is rising, many users remain skeptical of many eCommerce sites because placing an order involves a risk. Because your customers can’t see, touch, or feel the object you’re selling, assuaging their fears with solid return and delivery policies will assist. Furthermore, most users do not return things even if they are aware of your return policies; therefore, emphasizing them will have minimal effect on return rates but may help raise buy rates.

Returning to your shipping policies, attempt to give them various choices. Some people may demand quick delivery and will be willing to pay for it. On the other hand, others may be willing to wait a few weeks for their item in exchange for a lower delivery cost. Allowing consumers to make their own decisions will improve their perception of your company and prevent them from abandoning their shopping cart because your shipping costs are too costly for them.

At the checkout, provide appropriate payment options.

Every year it seems as if a new online payment method emerges; while it’s tough to know which ones are more relevant than others, it’s critical to ensure that users can pay using their preferred method. This is especially important for B2-B eCommerce sites, as payment methods will differ more than for B2C eCommerce sites. Users can pay with credit/debit cards and PayPal on most eCommerce platforms. However, preferred payment methods vary depending on where your clients are located; for example, in Brazil, Boleto accounts for 15% of all online purchases. Know your customers and choose a payment source based on that understanding. If most of your users are on mobile devices and IOS is the software supplier selected for mobile consumers, incorporating Apple Pay into your business may benefit you. In contrast, if most of your users use android devices or come from desktops, adding Apple Pay to your platform may not make sense.

Pay special attention to mobile optimization.

While it may sound trite to some, taking a mobile-first approach to your site’s design and development will ensure that it is future-proofed. This, of course, covers the checkout. While it’s easy to focus on the desktop version of your site because site administrators tend to utilize it the most, your users are increasingly exploring and shopping on mobile devices. Mobile users will account for 70% of total eCommerce traffic and 54% of total revenue by 2020. You can ensure that your checkout is usable right away by focusing on mobile-first. If your checkout works on mobile devices, it’s almost certain to operate on desktop computers as well. However, it doesn’t always work the other way around. And, because many of what we consider eCommerce best practices are designed with mobile in mind, adhering to these guidelines should help you become more mobile-friendly. Users may perceive non-responsive websites as outdated and untrustworthy. How can they trust you to keep them safe when paying if your site doesn’t perform adequately on their device?

Consider the path.

Most users dislike surprises during their checkout, so don’t keep them guessing. Visualize the checkout process so that users can see where they are in the process and how much time they have remaining. Do they have to go through two, three, or ten steps? How will they know if you don’t show them? The fewer clicks a user has to make during the checkout process, the better. Everything should ideally fit on one page. However, this isn’t always possible, especially on mobile devices. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the fewer clicks required to complete a purchase increases conversion rates. However, if you need to spread out the checkout sequence, visualizing these steps and the user’s progress will help you maintain consistent conversion rates.

Be open and honest.

Users prefer to see the total price before committing to lengthy checkout routines, comparable to the initial point. Users’ trust in your brand will grow if you display the ultimate price (or an estimate until you can accurately disclose it) and are upfront with the breakdown. This function is gaining popularity among eCommerce sites to avoid orders from being abandoned owing to the perception of price increases disguised as handling or tax expenses.

We’ve all been in situations when the price increases due to the addition of several hidden fees, and many of us have abandoned those purchases without returning to finish them.

Finally, you may improve your checkout experience, reduce cart abandonment, and thus raise overall conversion rates by applying these basic concepts to your B2B or B2C eCommerce site’s checkout (although some of them shouldn’t be limited to this portion).

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