Google Ads: 6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Investment

Greetings and welcome to the post all about raising your ROI and making your PPC ads profitable.

Using Google Ads marketing methods, you’ll discover simple ways to improve your conversion rate and reduce your cost-per-acquisition.

Create a High-Performing Landing Page (s)

The landing page should be one of the first things organizations look at when boosting their return on investment (ROI). This is an essential but often overlooked step in the PPC Campaign setup process.

Put another way, think of it like this. Even if you have a spectacular storefront complete with banners, neon lights, and eye-catching window displays, clients will be turned away if they cannot find what they want and the store’s layout is confusing. As a result, they walk out of the store to go shopping somewhere else.

There’s a chance that this is what’s holding back clicks from becoming paying clients. Even though your ad appears excellent on Google and says everything you want it to, your landing page falls short of the expectations.

As a result, what are the best practices for creating a Google Ads PPC campaign landing page? I’ve compiled a list of the most essential characteristics of high-performing landing pages:

Simply summarizing the product or service in a catchy headline and sub-headline

Two primary calls to action: Focus on one thing. Whether or whether this is a button or a form. Make it simple for the user by not overcomplicating it.

Make a list of your company’s advantages and disadvantages. There’s no need for flowery prose in this situation. Keep it to a minimum of words and keep it basic.

There should be a few satisfied customers who are eager to provide testimonials since this will help develop trust in your brand, product, or service.

To guide users to CTAs, employ a strong hero image (either graphic or photographic) and contextual components.

the complete journey through the keywords

The crux of your PPC campaign is selecting the keywords you’ll utilize. You’ll spend more money on clicks if you make the right decisions here, and more of those clicks will lead to sales if you choose wisely.”

Consequently, how can you be sure that you select terms correctly? We’ll give you an idea of what the keyword journey should look like and some pointers on how to get the most bang for your buck from your campaign efforts…

The first thing to do is some investigation. To find your product or service, you must consider the kinds of questions your potential buyers will use. Use free resources like Google’s Keyword Planner to get started. Comprehensive Guide to Google’s Keyword Planner).

Short-tail and long-tail keywords should be present in equal measure in your list of search engine optimization targets. An example of a short-tail keyword is “blue shoes” or “plumbing service,” which are both two or three words long. Typically, these are encountered during the research phase of the buying process.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords are seen as customers get more knowledgeable about their possible purchase and narrow their search—three to five words at the most. A plumber to fix a leaky shower could be the answer to this question.

Using a variety of keywords has both advantages and cons. As a rule, short-tail keywords have a higher volume of searchers, which may seem like a plus at first glance, but it also means that they are more expensive to rank for because of more competition. Like those stated above, short-tail keywords show that the consumer is still doing research and is therefore not a particularly warm lead.

However, long-tail keywords have considerably lower traffic volume but higher purchase intent because they are further down the sales funnel and ready to buy. It’s possible to uncover keywords that are much more profitable despite the lack of traffic when there is less competition.

As a result, you should use a combination of long-tail and short-tail keywords throughout your PPC campaign. Knowing which keywords are more cost-effective (CPA) will allow you to separate the profitable and worth keeping from the ones that aren’t and should be removed from your campaign.

To identify which terms are eating up your daily click budget, keep an eye on this. Before you select which to toss, be sure you have adequate data. After five clicks with no results, how can you be sure that the subsequent five clicks will all result in conversions, making this term extremely profitable?

To summarize, keyword research isn’t something you do once and then forget about. It should be a part of a broader PPC strategy that you constantly re-evaluate, research, and customize to meet the campaign’s specific requirements.

Last but not least, there are negative terms to contend with during the keyword research process. Creating a comprehensive list of negative keywords is critical to lowering your CPA and increasing your return on investment. Make sure to read up on negative keyword lists if you’re unfamiliar. This is a list of negative keywords.

Setup of the Advertising Group

In light of the preceding discussion regarding the significance of keywords, it’s time to take a closer look at Ad Groups, specifically their structure. When things are set up correctly, they can produce significantly better outcomes than merely thrown together.

Keywords that are closely related should be grouped in ad groups. In other words, when we say “closely,” we do mean it. As a result, your Ad Copy must match the search terms your target audience uses.

When it comes to using SKAGs, it’s debatable whether they are the most remarkable technique. However, having only one keyword in an ad group can be helpful when the rest of your keywords aren’t directly related to that one term.

As an illustration, in one Ad Group, you might include the terms “market research firm,” “market research company,” and “market research.” Whereas in a different context, you’d hear words like “market research firm,” “marketing research service,” and “marketing intelligence.” The ability to produce custom Ad Copy can genuinely boost your conversion rates and hence maximize ROI, even though intelligence and research may appear to be closely related in reality.

The best way to decide which keywords to group together is with SKAGs or by asking yourself, “Can I closely match all these search keywords in my Ad Copy, and will someone who searches this term feel this Ad Copy is relevant to them?”

Type of Device

To make your campaigns more profitable, consider implementing any of these quick wins right away. The campaign’s gadget type is an intriguing aspect. I want to be clear upfront that each campaign is unique, so do your homework to determine which adjustments are best for your company before we go into the specifics.

For the most part, customers prefer to make purchases on a desktop computer rather than a mobile phone or tablet. People frequently conduct preliminary research on mobile devices and tablets before purchasing a desktop computer.

As a result, targeting only desktop devices may be advantageous, and some PPC managers may do it automatically for all campaigns. However, you risk missing out on valuable traffic if you proceed in this manner. This is why testing and tracking are critical in PPC Campaigns, as well as following the data.

If you find that a particular type of device is well-converting, then you should concentrate the campaign’s efforts there. Bid adjustments are an excellent way to accomplish this. If you include a negative bid adjustment, you’ll spend less money on the device as a percentage of your daily click budget and spend it more strategically (ideally on the more profitable device types).

You may save a lot of money quickly by turning off devices that aren’t profitable and directing your marketing budget to your most effective sources of traffic.

Targeting based on geographic location

Another simple way for you to squander click budget and reduce ROI is to use location targeting. Many companies, including mine, have set their sights on the entire United Kingdom without giving it much thought.

Consider a luxury candle as an example of a high-end product you might be selling. It’s going for £100 on eBay. You work for everyone in the UK. If you want to find out where your consumers are from, you can dig into the data instead of just targeting the UK. Existing clients’ data may already be available to you, so be sure to consider that. You might also take a look at places with higher average incomes and more available disposable money. People in affluent communities are more inclined to purchase a high-end product.

And if you’re primarily selling to other businesses, you might want to concentrate your efforts on major cities, where companies tend to be focused rather than rural locations. The higher your conversion rate and ROI, the more precise your location targeting needs to be.

Targeting by Age Group

Taking a closer look at Demographics, Gender and age are the two most important considerations. Let me start by saying that Google only has access to this information if the user has made it available, and most users are completely anonymous.

Despite this, eliminating people based on their age or gender might be a very cost-effective strategy. Exclude those under the age of 24, for example, if your clients tend to be in high-ranking positions. On the other hand, if you’re in the gaming equipment business, you might want to keep those over 50 away from your products.

Even though it’s evident in terms of gender, if you’re selling high heels, you’ll probably want to keep guys out. However, if you use the example of high heels, you may find that males buy shoes for their women. A second campaign aimed at males purchases gifts for their spouses may be appropriate in this situation.

Finally, if you exclude a substantial audience section from your campaign, you will reduce the campaign’s accuracy and improve the conversion rate. We hope it was helpful to any business considering using PPC or Google Ads to acquire new customers or clients.