SEO Audit Services in Dubai

Being in constant touch with your project is an important aspect of understanding the progress. Having traffic is essential and so is maintaining the consistency of that traffic. You need to be aware of where you stand and SEO Audit is a process that will assist you in recognizing your position. SEO Audit begins with a varied detailed examination, followed by a critical evaluation and a final prioritization of SEO efforts.


SEO Audits contain both an internal and external analysis. It helps to examine the strengths and weaknesses of your project, your social-media engagement, areas that need improvement,content-related issues, information architecture and finally it helps in structuring an effective SEO strategy that will improve sales, conversions and leads as well as an increase in the volume of targeted online traffic.

RedBerries SEO Auditing Services

Following are the basic steps that we follow at Redberries Digital Marketing, Dubai to conduct an SEO Audit:

  • Optimize required areas.
  • Update, information online shouldn’t be stale.
  • Get rid of the corpses (the external links leading to another web page that no longer exists.)
  • Compete with the competitors.
  • Check how fast you can navigate through your website.

It’s supposed to be done at least twice around the year. It is obvious that this activity is a hectic one. And that’s precisely why you can rely on RedBerries, we’ll help you with our easy to apply strategies and also generate a report which will cover all the above mentioned aspects and more while taking proactive measures for improvement of your website.

Redberries FactFile:

Google has become more stringent with its penalties, getting a semi-annual or yearly site audit has become a business necessity.