Website Heat Maps
Services in Dubai, UAE

Have you ever seen a topography map showing contours with different shades?
Have you seen heat maps showing intensity of heat at various parts of a material?
Have you ever thought if it was only possible to know which area in a region generates maximum revenue for you?


It is possible to know which product is in demand in which region with the help of visual heat optimizers like, Google Heat Map. A heatmap is a visualization used to depict the intensity of data at geographical points. When the heatmap layer is enabled, a colored overlay will appear on top of the map. By default, areas of higher intensity will be colored red, and areas of lower intensity will appear green.

It will help you to understand your target audience, what drives them and what motivates them, their likings and disliking` s. It will also let you know where a customer clicks on a web page in your web site. Weat Redberries Digital Marketing and web design agency Dubai will help you with the perfect strategy that would meet your needs, saving your time & money.

Heat Map Analysis

Overall benefits that our campaign would provide:

  • Better design of website/web page
  • Visual representation of the actions in your web-site
  • Optimize your website
  • Provide competitor analysis
  • Track traffic growth in a timeframe
  • Low Cost per click (CPC)
  • Efficient web design
  • Make search advertising easy
  • Higher conversion rate
  • Reach your target customer at the right time with the right ad
  • Better pricing strategy
  • Keeping advertising budget under control
  • Increase in revenue and return on investment (ROI)
  • Better synergy with other verticals like, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), etc

Redberries FactFile:

The top 3 paid ad spots get 41% of the clicks on the page.

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