Inspirational Google Shopping Free Consultation Services Company in Kuwait

Google has become a synonym for the word search and for decades, it is being used as a verb more than a noun. Although started as a search engine, it has entered in various domains such as advertising, G Suite services that include drive, calendar, emails, among many other services. Along with that, Google also has a map, earth and other such features that helps in locating and identifying areas and localities in and around your area or region.


One such service that Google provides to help small businesses grow is Google Shopping. At Red Berries Kuwait, we provide free advisory on how, why and by when we can set up a Google Shopping Feed for your business. Our dedicated team of experts are there to assist you at various stages of the process.

Google Shopping Free Consultation Services Kuwait

What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping combines product listing from various brands and retailers. It is a one-stop shop for comparing, prices and features of various products. Users can also see the rating and reviews of the product listed by the distributor. This helps users to know whether the seller and the product listed is authentic and fit for purchase or not.

Red Berries Kuwait has in-house experts who can take care of updating and maintaining your feed as it needs to be optimised on regular basis. Update of prices, bidding to get better reach and click rates are some of the many tasks we perform once we start managing your Google Shopping Feed.

Apart from creating and maintaining it, we also audit your and your competitorโ€™s listing to make sure that your brand stands out from the rest. Our top priority is to ensure your goals are met through Red Berries Kuwait team services.

What Will You Gain From Free Consultation?

At Red Berries, we believe in providing services that create long-lasting partnerships with you. Our aim is not only to fulfil your business objectives but also to take your business to new peaks. Keeping that in mind, we provide free Google Shopping Consultation.

Google Shopping consultation helps you to understand why your business needs to have a presence here, especially if you are an e-commerce retailer and how it can setted up.

In the consultation session, we discuss the following:

Revenue Evaluation of Existing Account:
Red Berries Kuwait will analyze and evaluate the return on investment from your ad spent. The campaigns that have been running so might have been successful or may not have met your objectives. We will evaluate this by understanding the reach, impressions, click-through rate in contrast to ad spent. During the call, our team will suggest changes and if we take things forward, will implement it for you.

Audit of Current Campaigns:
Our team in Kuwait audits the ongoing campaigns and create a comparison with your main competitors. Keeping your campaign as a benchmark we will compare with a few of your top competitors and understand how does your brand fare in comparison. Red Berries provides suggestions on how we can improve your campaign performance from your competitors during the consultation call.

Audience Marketing:
During our free consultation, we also discuss the target audience to whom we market the products and how can we optimise the campaigns for them. We assess your target audience for the solutions you provide and see if they are the right fit or require any amendments. Our team discusses this during the consultation call and suggest the best practices to be implemented.

Answer Your Questions:
Our experts are available during the call to answer all your queries. No matter how simple or complex, your questions will be answered by the Red Berries Kuwaitteam and they will be answered with utmost transparency and sincerity. The main objective of the consultation call is for you to understand our services and for us to understand your requirements.

Google Shopping Services Kuwait

Why Choose Red Berries Kuwait?

Dedicated Assistance:
We assign dedicated account managers who can handle all your doubts and queries and provide a solution as soon as possible to you. Our team has expertise in account and project management and therefore, they will be able to oversee the complete execution of a project.

Quick Resolution:
Red Berries Kuwait team has dedicated support from the Google team. Google provides any and all types of help if and when required. This helps us to quickly solve your issues. We always for smooth and prompt fixes to any issues that may arise.

All Solution Under One Roof:
We provide 360-degree solutions for Google Shopping feed. From setup to execution, maintenance and advertising, we do it all. We also help to optimise and ensure that our team is updated with any latest changes in the Google Shopping feature.

Connect with Red Berries
Red Berries Kuwait can help to not only increase visibility for your brand but also enable you to take your business to new heights by providing the result you require. Our experts and the technically sound team help you achieve that. Get in touch with us today incase you would like to learn more about Google Shopping.